Kate Upton is an American model and actress, known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. Upton was named Rookie of the Year following her first appearance in 2011 and was the cover model for the 2012 and 2013 issues. She was also the subject of the 100th anniversary Vanity Fair cover.
嘉芙蓮·「姬蒂」·奧普頓(英語:Katherine "Kate" Upton,1992年6月10日-)是一位美國模特兒及演員,作為2011年《體育畫報》的泳裝模特而聞名全美,被評選為「年度最佳新秀」並且是2012年刊及2013年刊的封面模特兒。她同時也是《浮華世界》一百週年紀念的封面人物。